Samleren, Arken, Radioamatøren
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This is how the book "Samleren, Arken og Radioamatøren" by Marit Arnekleiv begins, with the prose pieces "Kjærlighet tiltenkt andre" by Eivind Hofstad Evjemo. The texts intersect with Arnekleiv's work with their fragments of storytelling and history, where the stories are partly woven together with the three art projects Samleren, Arken, and Radioamatøren, and partly detached from direct connection to each other.

In the projects Samleren and Radioamatøren, Arnekleiv starts from her uncle Asbjørn Simengård's radio collection from Tretten and the radio amateur community that emerged after World War II. Arken is based on stories about a hermit who lived in an improvised hut deep in the Ringebu mountains, between Østerdalen and Gudbrandsdalen in the 1930s.

A photo series of loudspeaker cloths - Q-codes in use by radio amateurs, recreated as transparent light signals - milk freezing as it flows through a fine-meshed frame high in the mountains - a series of veneer plates laser-cut in primary and complementary colors. Through such transitions, Arnekleiv transforms stories that are disappearing from narrative into sculptural and photographic material. Instead of documenting or presenting history in its actual form, it is processed as both present and hidden from consciousness. In this way, Arnekleiv presents history to us as a collective transformation work, where the viewer's and reader's understanding and ignorance also contribute to the finished work.

Eivind Hofstad Evjemo (Contributor), Marit Arnekleiv (Photographer), Eivind Slettemeås (Forword), Eller med a (Design), Livonia Print (Printer), Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond (Support), Norsk Kulturråd (Support) and Oppland Kunstsenter (Collaborator)
Samleren, Arken, Radioamatøren
Samleren, Arken, Radioamatøren
Samleren, Arken, Radioamatøren
Samleren, Arken, Radioamatøren
Samleren, Arken, Radioamatøren
Samleren, Arken, Radioamatøren